My HypnoBirthing® training is a dynamic, experiential and comprehensive program that empowers mothers with a peaceful and comfortable pregnancy and birth. Your participation in HypnoBirthing® will equip you with tools of visualization, guided imagery, self-hypnosis, fear release, an understanding of pre and post-natal bonding and much more. The techniques I share complement traditional health care and promote a calm environment for mom, baby and birthing partner.
Scroll down to listen to my 10 minute free demo. Contact me to purchase an audio file of two guided relaxation tracks for birthing (30 minutes each), only $9.99!
Read the interview with me from the Vancouver Family Magazine:
Curious about the details of the program? Check out my recent blog post on HypnoBirthing®.
Feel free to drop me a line with any questions and to schedule your private sessions!
“I wish I had known about HypnoBirthing with my first child. My second birth went so smooth, I barely knew I was in labor. The tools of relaxation have helped in many more areas than just the birth. Our baby came into the world so peacefully, and she is such a happy and calm baby! I think every woman should use these tools, and I highly recommend HypnoBirthing. ”
thE hypnobirthing® ADvantage
• Brings the mother, the baby, and the birthing companion together in a wonderful prenatal, perinatal, and postnatal bonding experience.
• The birthing companion is an integral part of the birthing, not an onlooker.
• Special breathing almost entirely eliminates postnatal discomfort and “baby blues”.
• Babies are better adjusted and happier, resulting in better eating and sleeping routines.
• Mothers don’t run the risk of hyperventilating from shallow breathing.
• Birthing is returned to the safe, beautiful, peaceful experience that Nature intended.
• Eliminates the Fear‐Tension‐Pain Syndrome before, during and after birthing.
• Reduces and often eliminates, the need for chemical anesthesia, episiotomy, and other interventions.
• Lessens fatigue during labor, leaving the mother fresh, awake, and energized as she brings her baby into the world.
• Shortens the thinning and opening phase of labor by hours and allows the birthing mother to utilize the natural pulsations of her body to breathe her baby down to the crowning stage, rather than pushing for a long, exhausting period.
• Reduces risk of pelvic floor damage.
For a sample of the type of guided imagery and relaxation techniques I use in class, check out my 10 minute demo!